i've been kinda sick like too weeks already and yesterday i decided to stay home to be not-so-sleepy when the last test week of this semester begins (tomorrow nooouuu).
so, i woke up at 7 am this morning and was full of inspiration and joy. unfortunately my head was filled with something else too...
but i've been sleeping and reading to the tests to come and about 15 minutes ago i heard the post car arriving ! i run out of the bed and once again, it was worth running !
i received this from Masako who lives in Japan ! i don't even remember if i did send her a postcard first or was it she ! but since then, we've been sending cards to each other.
i got a great postcard of Kobe Port (she lives close to it in a city called Kobe). i also got a card which is made of something like fabric ? all i know is that i like it soo much. on the other side of the card there's a story of origamis. and just to make my day more perfect, i also got too "Cranes" which are the most popular origamis in Japan. they are good-luck birds ! and so tiny and cute.
i also got too pieces of beautiful paper to make my own cranes. or something else !
i haven't been so much a fan of hello kitty but after receiving those stamps, i'm so in love with that funny little kitty.
Tiedätkö mitä. Seuraava korttini saaja on kirjoittanut näin: Please don't send me advertisement cards or self-made cards. Please send postcards with stamps directly on them. No envelopes please. Eli ei itsetehtyjä :-( Kuka ei haluaisi itsetehtyjä? Ne on omaperäisempiä.
VastaaPoistatuommoiset on niin outoja. kerran minullekin tuli että ei itsetehtyjä, kiitos. olin kapinallinen ja tein silti ja kirjotin taakse että toivottavasti tämä muuttaa mielipiteesi itsetehdyistä korteista.
VastaaPoistasitten kun se vastaanotti sen niin luki vaan että "thank you"
kannatan kapinointia ! laita kirjekuoreen ja sinne vielä mainoskorttikki :D